We all have read the nutrition labels and know how important macronutrients are to our life. After all, without carbohydrates, protein, and fats we wouldn't be able to have energy. However, there is one macronutrient that serves a greater purpose than to be used as fuel, and that is protein.
Proteins are different because they are composed of chains of nitrogen. This is further divided into little units called amino acids - and these are the basic building blocks of muscle. Amino acids also serve as an essential source of dietary nitrogen, which is an essential element for your body.
Bee Pollen Complex
These amino acids are the building blocks of lean muscle. This is where whey protein enters the picture. Whey supplies all of the essential amino acids and digests very quickly - usually within 30 minutes. Whey protein is also very inexpensive and, especially chocolate whey, can taste great.
One of the best times to take whey protein is right after you workout. The reason for this is that your muscles are depleted of their glycogen reserves and your muscle tissues are broken down. After you workout, you are highly sensitive to insulin - which shuttles muscles to your muscles rather than fat.
When insulin is released, triggered by a simple carbohydrate drink or meal, you should then drink whey protein. Whey protein will get to your muscles very quickly and immediately begin to repair the damage. This means that you can recover faster, and get results more quickly.
Whey protein is also very safe for you. There is no evidence that says that whey protein has any harmful side effects. With moderation, it is very safe. In fact, it can boost your immune system and increase muscularity. Whey protein is also natural and is found in everyday food such as milk.
When is it most important to consume protein and how much should you consume? Well that is entirely up to you, but the best times to make use of whey protein is post workout and right after you wake up. Your body is most sensitive and will greatly benefit from its speedy absorption.
For the rest of the day, just stick to your healthy foods. Make sure and eat plenty of nuts, dairy, lean meats, vegetables and fruit. All of these serve a purpose that whey protein will not do, and without proper diet you will never see results. Remember that diet and training is greater than supplements.
Whey protein is any bodybuilder's, or person who wants to make a positive change in their appearance, best friend. Its benefits are astounding and you should always value the health of your body. Build confidence through an impressive physique and a better life through feeling great about you.
Black Friday Cc Pollen Pollen Granules Bulk (5 lb) 2011 Deals
Nov 12, 2011 14:13:12
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Black Friday Cc Pollen Pollen Granules Bulk (5 lb) Feature
Black Friday Cc Pollen Pollen Granules Bulk (5 lb) Overview
High Desert Bee Pollen Raw Granules is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements. High Desert Bee Pollen is 100% Domestic U.S. Bee Pollen, harvested from a diverse selection of geographic areas to create a balanced nutritional profile. From collection through packaging and storage, this product is refrigerated to ensure the bioactivity of its vitamins, enzymes, bioflavonoids, phytosterols, trace minerals and carotenoids.SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!
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