The Most Common Causes of Yeast Infection

Adult humans have 3 to 4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, numbering about 70 trillion individual organisms, living in our digestive system. Yeast is present in every one of us. The shear strength in numbers of the beneficial bacteria keeps yeast in check. They are in charge and make yeast produce vitamins, such as the B complex, within our bodies. If this balance is altered by reducing the good bacteria, yeast, being very opportunistic, will spread and take over as a yeast infection or as a fungal parasite or candida (mold), causing a wide variety of unhealthy side effects and diseases.

Bee Pollen Complex

The most common cause of yeast infection is antibiotics and their overuse...

Bee Pollen Complex

Dr. John Pitt, on Penicillum in 1979 stated: "It is very ironic that this humbled fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization".

Simply stated, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins, fungal metabolites, that kill bacteria, even the good bacteria that are present in our intestines and essential for good health. This upsets the delicate balance of the yeast to bacteria ratio in your digestive system, giving the yeast fungi the upper hand in creating a yeast infection. Without the good bacteria in your system to control yeast, it spreads and becomes a toxic fungal parasite known as candida.

Penicillin is a good example of a fungal by-product called a mycotoxin. It was discovered from a mold (mold is a fungus) experiment that Dr. Fleming was performing on a bacteria colony. He added some mold from bread to the colony and observed that the fungus killed all the bacteria; producing the substance he later named penicillin. The number one cause of yeast infection was born in 1928 and is so over-prescribed today that yeast infection is a growing epidemic.

Another cause of yeast infection and the destruction of stomach flora are anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen...

These two drugs are common over the counter medications that many people take. Very few people realize what they are doing to their health by taking them. America has become a nation of drug dependent people. Not a night goes by when you don't see a TV commercial for some kind of drug promising some miraculous cure for something. These drugs all contribute to the destruction of bacteria and are a cause of yeast infection.

Another cause of yeast infection, theorized by some doctors, are birth control pills given to women. In the natural menstrual cycle of women, right after ovulation on about the 18th day, both progesterone and estrogen decline to very low levels. At the same time estradiol begins to rise into menses and then these three hormones return to normal. Most birth control pills contain estradiol in significant amounts and add to this problem.

The hormone link as a cause of yeast infection for women is very common. Almost all women that suffer from recurring vaginal yeast infections will tell you that they do indeed get flare ups at the third week of their cycle. . Fortunately, there are now natural herbs and supplements to treat and balance the hormones to eliminate this problem. Like colloidal silver as a minerals supplement.

According to the 2001 Asthma and Allergy Report, the first immunodeficiency syndrome was identified in 1952. Since that time 95 more have been identified with new conditions being discovered every day. The report also states that increased use of antibiotics in infancy is contributing to increased risks of allergies. What is interesting to me is in the 1950's antibiotics came into wide spread general use in medicine. Do you see a correlation here?

The most common prescription for antibiotics is for upper respiratory infections, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, "most of these infections are caused by a fungus". So they do not require an antibiotic as treatment, yet doctors continue to prescribe them. This, over time, will alter the balance in stomach bacteria allowing the yeast to overgrow, and the result is candida, or worse. And by using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement it will solve this problem.

Doctors plead ignorance when their patients develop allergies, intestinal disorders, etc, not even realizing that the very drugs they prescribed are the cause of a yeast infection and these other fungal diseases. Over time, your good stomach bacteria become overwhelmed by yeast as it kills even more of your good bacteria. Candida or fungal disease is the result. By using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement for treating yeast infection it will not affect natural flora. Colloidal Silver safely kills over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds, has no negative side-effects (the body requires silver for tissue regeneration and promotes the replacement of specialized cells) and is absolutely safe for human consumption.

It becomes a never-ending cycle. You get an antibiotic for your cold or flu; women especially get a vaginal yeast infection. The doctor gives them an anti-fungal or an anti-fungal cream, or they purchase it over the counter at the local drugstore. The infection is beaten for a time, but then it returns. This will continue to happen until the cause of yeast infection is addressed with natural therapies as colloidal silver natural and diet.

In 1998, two scientists Bernstein and Ross discovered that antibiotics "significantly increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in humans".

In studies done on mice in 2000 and published in "Principals and Practices of Infectious Diseases", a "single injection of streptomycin eradicated the protective effective effect of normal flora". Streptomycin is prescribed usually for people that are allergic to penicillin and definitely establishes one of the causes of yeast infection to antibiotics.

Now it would be a rare individual that could go through life with never being prescribed an antibiotic. Choose wisely if you really need to take them or not for whatever it is you have at the time, since they are the main cause of yeast infection in humans. Have your doctor prescribe Nystatin with it to avoid the overgrowth of yeast infection. Then get on a good probiotic product such as Total Immune Booster, which actually does grow new bacterial colonies. For several decades, silver has proven itself in the treatment of burns, and eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal, and urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed as an adjunct treatment for reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system, as well as a treatment for AIDS infective complications. (For use on the following we reccomend you purchase the colloidal silver as it is smaller and more effective: It has been used as a remedy for allergies, boils, ulcers, lesions, thyroid conditions, infantile diseases, parasites, wounds of the eye, enlarged prostate, warts, bladder inflammation, infections of the inner ear, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa.) Colloidal Silver also acts as a tissue regenerator by stimulating the production of de-differentiating cells, which promotes the replacement of specialized cells.

The following is a partial list of the more than 650 disease conditions in which colloidal silver has demonstrated proven clinical improvement: Acne, Acne Rosacea, Anthrax Bacilli, Arthritis, Athlete's Foot, Blood Poisoning, Bladder Infections, Bubonic Plague, Blood Parasites (causes gray hair), Cancer, Candidia (Yeast Infection), Chilbains, Cholera, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrositis, Gastritis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus, Hay Fever, Impetigo, Influenza, Keratitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Lymphagitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Neurasthenia, Ophthalmia, Pheumonia, Pluerisy, Pruritis Ani, Psoriasis, Pymphagitis, Rheumatism, Rhiritis, Ringworm, Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Seborrhea, Septicemia, Shingles, Skin Cancer, Staph Infection, Stomach Flu, Strep, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Toxemia, Trench foot, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough. It is also used for all bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to soil water.

Foods as a Cause of Yeast Infection

There are many foods that can be a cause of yeast infections but antibiotics are the primary cause of yeast infection due to the fact that they kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This allows the yeast and fungi to take control and proliferate in the human body. Antibiotics are also present in many common foods that most of us eat. More recently antibiotics are now being detected in the water supply from our overuse. The wastewater enters the sewer system, which is then treated, and pumped right back into the water table. The antibiotics are never removed and it becomes a never-ending circle.

How do these antibiotics get in our foods?

The most common foods that can be a cause of yeast infections in America are beef and dairy. The livestock industry gives antibiotics to their cattle, this is supposed to kill bad bacteria and make the food supply safer. But they are also used to fatten up cows. A fat cow will sell more than a thin cow, won't it? These antibiotics are getting into the dairy product food chain. They are present in milk, cheese, and the meat itself. This is creating antibiotic resistance in humans and bad bacteria, not to mention the long-term health effects to our children, and it ultimately destroys the beneficial bacteria in our intestines allowing a yeast infection to grow in your body.

They also shove these cows into unnatural feeding environments and fatten them up with grain foods that can be a cause of yeast infections, making the meat unfit for human consumption due to mold contamination. The meat can become loaded with mycotoxins from these molds. You eat it, and it is passed on to you.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are grain foods. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, corn, red apples, and peanuts are also universally contaminated with fungus. These foods find their way into our systems from cereals, pastas, breads, potato chips, crackers, peanut butter, cooking oils, etc.

How can this be, you wonder? Grains are usually stored in silos for extended periods of time. They can be stored for years before they are ever sold and brought to market for food processing. During this time, they grow molds in these silos. Now I would assume when they go to process these grains for human consumption they would wash them, but the molds and mycotoxins will enter into the inside of the grain as they try to break them down into dirt. The grains get ground up for processing, and the rest is history. The worst of these grains, as far as mold contamination, are sold for livestock feed and alcohol processing--beer mostly.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are peanuts, corn, and red apples, which will actually grow mold on them as they grow. Peanuts also are the most genetically engineered food on the planet, stick too organic.

These foods can kill the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system because of the molds they are contaminated with. They also allow the yeast to grow since the yeast eats the sugars in these foods. They often sit in the intestine and ferment before digestion, which causes a condition known as dysbiosis, or toxic colon. These toxins alter good bacterial supplies and yeast gains the upper hand.

Mycotoxins from molds and fungi are also known cancer-causing agents that are released by molds and yeasts. One of these mycotoxins, called aflatoxin, happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth. In the common diets of today, grains are consumed in all three meals in some form, from cereals to breads and pastas. So every day the average American is consuming .15mg to .5mg of aflatoxin.

The western diet of today, due to sugars and molds in the foods we eat, is a cancer-causing machine. The addition of these sugars allows the yeast to thrive unbeknown to many people that have it, and allows it to inject its own mycotoxins into your body. This will suppress the immune system and lead to other autoimmune system diseases such as cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, crohns, arthritis, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, etc. if left untreated.

Chlorine is added to the water supply of the US to kill parasites, microbes, and bad bacteria present in our drinking water supply. But when you drink this water directly from your tap, the chlorine kills the good bacteria in your intestines. To chlorine, bacteria is bacteria, it doesn't know the difference from good or bad.

Fluoride also is a cause of yeast infection and killer of, not only intestinal bacteria, but also enzymes, which are the building blocks of all life and work on the cellular DNA level, as well as in the process of digestion and immune system health.

Buying a water distiller and using this water to not only drink, but to also cook with. It is the only system that will remove fluoride from your drinking water besides reverse osmosis, which makes the water too acidic. Fluoride has been found, when used for cooking, to release toxic metals from common cooking utensils. So called bottled spring water in independent testing is not always safe either, due to pollutants in the air, coming to the ground in rain, and getting in the water table, it can be just as bad for you. You also have tons of run off from fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the water supply. A lot of so-called spring water is really just filtered tap water. The industry is not regulated very strongly, so you can't always be sure what you are really drinking. Buy a water distiller for your drinking and cooking needs. It will last a lifetime and be one of the best health investments you have ever made.

So how do we avoid these molds and antibiotics in our foods that can be a cause of yeast infection?

In almost every store in the country you can buy hormone and antibiotic free beef. Buy it, eat it, and simply don't buy the rest.

Cut down on grain foods that cause yeast infections drastically by eliminating the chips, cookies, cakes, cereals, and pastas. Substitute pastas with rice that you have to fry first for a grain.

Eat more organic eggs for breakfast and organic milk if you must. And don't worry about cholesterol, which is caused by mycotoxins in the blood stream, sugar, and trans fats, and is also an immune system response to these mycotoxins from fungus. Take away the mycotoxins and junk food and your cholesterol will be just fine.

Cause of Yeast Infection and the Immune System

Another cause of yeast infection is a generally weakened or deficient immune system.

How does the immune system get worn down enough to be a cause of yeast infection in the average person?

Many times a person has had an illness or injury and their health is never the same again. The body has been damaged too severely for the immune system to repair the cells properly, although it never stops trying. Over time, the immune system weakens to the point it can no longer defend the body. Instead, it focuses on other processes more important for continued life.

Every day we are exposing ourselves to polluted air from the smog from our cars and power plants, which, if coal-fired, deliver acid rain containing mercury to the ground that enters the food chain. Mercury, aluminum, lead, and excess iron are definitely linked to chronic yeast infections. If your levels are high and you do nothing to solve the problem, you will not get rid of your candida yeast infection.

There are now traces of over 300 toxins in our bodies that were not present before 1940. These toxins have been shown to bind to receptors, blocking important enzymatic reactions in the body weakening the immune system.

Chemicals in the home from soaps, laundry detergents, toothpastes, perfumes, cleaning solvents, etc. are causes. I could go on and on in this area. Even carpet is made of petroleum and plastics that are toxic. The effect is cumulative, it takes time, but yeast or other diseases are always the result.

Our foods are more and more genetically engineered and their food value becoming more and more questionable. Modern farming has stripped the soils of all minerals and vitamins, so foods have very little value any more. According to a report released at the 1992 Earth Summit, the USA has the worst soil in the world - 85% depleted. The rest of the world's soils are not much better, with South America and Asia's soils being 78% depleted, Africa 75%, Europe 70%, and Australia 58%. This means the potency of our food supply is not able to sustain optimum health. Is it any wonder we are overweight and chronically ill? We are literally starving to death from lack of nutrition!

Pesticides are used that kill beneficial soil based organisms that used to be a part of our diets from the family farms of old. We add chemicals to dairy foods to give it a longer shelf life.

The average American eats over 7 pounds of sugar a year which is creating a Type 2 diabetic epidemic in this country. Obesity is at an all time high from sugar and processed grains which themselves are turned to sugar when digested. The pancreas kicks in some insulin that picks up the sugar and deposits it on the body as fat. Fat is the fuel the body was originally designed to run on, not sucrose.

Sugar contributes to the cause of yeast infections by feeding the fungus in the body allowing it to grow and spread. Sugar is also by far the number one thing that can wear down your immune system. It is worse than smoking.

All of our food is cooked, processed, and enzymatically dead, this causes the pancreas an additional load, and it, must create more enzymes to digest these foods. The metabolic enzymes are forced to help out with digestion when they should be helping repair cells and removing wastes.

We vaccinate our children with basically poisons in the name of good health that actually weaken their immune systems.

Another very common cause of yeast infection is mold growing in ventilation systems. I have personally seen this condition inside air conditioners. These mold spores blow into the home, and once you breath them, they can travel through the body, causing asthma and bronchitis.

Predisposing Causes of Yeast Infection

Trauma Altered Physiological states Drug Addiction Endocrine problems Indwelling catheters Blood disorders and neutropenia Corticosteroid therapy Reduced or dysfunctional phagocytosis Irradiation Transplantation Diabetes Malnutrition Burns Collagen disease All these things contribute as a cause of yeast infections today and weaken our immune systems. Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune systems, and all these things can and do contribute to help kill them.

It is becoming more and more necessary to take supplements every day to maintain a healthy body and a healthy immune system. Even the AMA recently suggested that everyone in the country should be on a multivitamin/mineral supplement for example like colloidal silver.

The trick is to take quality supplements and eat mostly good fresh foods. Drink plenty of clean fresh water to flush out poisons and wastes from the body while minimizing environmental toxins in the home.

The benefits? You will go through life healthier, more energetic, happier, and live to a ripe old age, if you so choose.

Candida and yeast infections cannot be beaten with diet alone; it simply will not work without good supplements to support cellular health as by using colloidal silver.

The Most Common Causes of Yeast Infection
Bee Pollen Complex

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  • It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12
  • BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.
  • contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese.

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The fruits of the hive, which are all included in Bee Natural (pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and honey) are claimed by modern medical sources to contribute to better health in a variety of ways. BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners-including the fathers of Western medicine Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras-for its healing properties. It is a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance. This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more. It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12. Bee pollen also contains the bioflavonoid rutin. ROYAL JELLY: a famed substance produced by worker bees that when fed to a female in the larval stage will transform her into a queen. The queen lives up to five years while other bees are only around for a few weeks. It contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese. BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.

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PCOS and Hair Loss - Natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair

Excessive scalp hair loss is a severe challenge to a woman's self image and her standing in business and society. Although we usually think of balding as a man's problem, women actually make up forty percent of the people in North America experiencing the distress of excessive hair loss. Many women losing significant scalp hair have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Safe, effective, natural therapies that treat the hormone imbalances related to PCOS will also restore your hair to optimal health. I am delighted to offer you these indispensable tools to help you restore your hair and your health.

Bee Pollen Complex

Women experiencing hair loss lose ground fast in today's world. At work and in her personal life a woman's appearance has much to do with her financial and social success. Men may also prefer not to go bald. But since balding is known to be caused by high levels of testosterone, a bald man may be credited with extra virility. There is no such happy story for balding women. The appearance of thinning scalp hair translates to a significant loss of personal power for women.

Bee Pollen Complex

The medical community in general treats women's hair loss as a minor health issue. Most physicians have little inclination to address the emotional distress you feel. In many cases physicians treat balding as if it were "only" a vanity issue; they may not recognize hair loss as a red flag pointing to serious metabolic conditions, including PCOS.

The psychological pain of hair loss and its effect on our sense of empowerment is as devastating as any disfiguring disease. If you are a balding woman, your hair loss is a life altering condition with profound consequences for your health. Getting your hands on the wheel and driving yourself toward a solution for hair loss is the first step toward reviving your sense of personal strength and power. If hair loss is part of PCOS, the effort you make to restore your physical health will also renew scalp hair growth.

You need expert help to properly diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss that could have been merely temporary may become permanent if you have a delayed or incorrect diagnosis. Misdiagnoses is perhaps the most frustrating aspect of hair loss for women. The information I present here will help you identify the cause of your hair loss and ideally lead you and your doctors to proper treatments for your kind of hair loss, sooner rather than later.

Alopecia is the medical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are different kinds of alopecia. What all hair loss has in common, whether it's in men or women, is that it is always a symptom of something else that's gone wrong. Your hair will remain on your head where it belongs if hormone imbalance, disease, or some other condition is not occurring. That condition may be as simple as having a gene that makes you susceptible to male or female pattern baldness. Or it may be as complex as a whole host of diseases. Hair loss may be a symptom of a short-term event such as stress, pregnancy, or a side effect of certain medications. In these situations, hair grows back when the event has passed. Substances including hormones and medication can cause a change in the hair growth patterns. When this happens, growth and shedding occur at the same time. Once the cause is dealt with, hairs go back to their random pattern of growth and shedding, and balding stops.

Alopecia: A Common Problem

Today more women than ever are experiencing hair loss -- and the causes are typically quite different that what causes balding in men. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, some 30 million women in the United States are experiencing some degree of distressing scalp hair loss. The most common causes of scalp hair loss in women can include:

Mineral or vitamin deficiency - zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin

Essential fatty acid deficiency from a low calorie diet or eating disorders

Protein deficiency, as is common with vegetarian diets

Anemia from a low iron diet, poor digestion or any excess blood loss

Eating disorders, like anorexia, bulimia, even 'yo-yo' dieting; also compulsive or excessive physical exercise

Drug toxicity, for instance anesthesia with surgery or chemotherapy for cancer

Many prescription medications have hair loss as a potential 'side' effect, including bromocriptine, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, amphetamines, anti-cholesterol agents

Severe infections, either viral or bacterial

Severe stress, either a sudden extreme event or persistent, long term challenges

Any hypothalamic or pituitary disorder

Any liver, thyroid gland, adrenal gland or ovarian disorder, including PCOS

Any sex steroid imbalance such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance, excess testosterone or insulin

Starting or stopping any hormone therapy, including birth control pills, menopausal hormone replacement treatment or thyroid hormone replacement

Any natural event that causes big hormone changes, like child birth, breastfeeding and weaning or menopause

Perms, hair color, bleach, improper brushing/combing, pulling on the hair

Autoimmune disease such as lupus or multiple sclerosis

Allergies to foods, medicines, environmental chemicals or topical drugs

Recent hepatitis B shot. If you had a Hep B vaccine since this hair loss started, there may be a connection.  An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) links the Hep B vaccine to increased incidence of alopecia in women.

How does an individual woman figure out why she is losing too much of her hair? To understand that, it's important to understand how hair grows.

Hair Grows in Cycles  

Scalp hair grows about one-half inch per month. An individual strand of hair will grow for two to six years. Eventually each hair "rests" for a while, and then falls out. Soon after, that follicle will start growing a new strand. A healthy scalp will let about 100 of these cycling hairs fall out every day.

In folks with a genetic predisposition to hair loss, and for women with PCOS, hormones called androgens drive this process. Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men make and use relatively large amounts of androgens. Appropriate, smaller amounts of androgens are essential to women's health as well.

In those who are genetically susceptible, testosterone activates enzymes produced in the hair cell, which then cause it to be converted into the more potent androgen DHT.  DHT then binds with receptors deep within the hair follicle. Eventually, so much DHT builds up that the follicle begins shrinking. It can't produce new hair reliably. Some of the follicles permanently stop producing new hairs. The end result is significant hair loss. The medical term for this condition is androgenic alopecia. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha reductase, which is held in a hair follicle's oil glands. Actually, it's not the amount of circulating testosterone that is the problem but the amount of DHT clogging up and shrinking scalp follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive.

The process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men and women. Usually women have a tiny fraction of the amount of testosterone that men make. It seems that for women with hair loss, the actual level of testosterone is not as crucial as are changes in the amount of testosterone she has. A shift in hormone levels triggered by lifestyle or other factors, will cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women. Even when hormone blood levels remain within what doctors consider "normal", they can become high enough to cause a problem for an individual woman. The levels may not rise at all and still be a problem if you are very sensitive to even normal levels of chemicals, including hormones.

Because our hormones operate through a delicately balanced feedback system, with signals sent via the blood between the brain and body tissue, androgens do not need to be raised to trigger a problem. If the so-called female hormones, (which also are essential to men's health) are for any reason shifting in relation to androgens, the resulting imbalance can also cause problems, including hair loss.

Hormones are always changing. Testosterone levels in men drop by as much as 10 percent each decade after age thirty. Women's hormone levels shift with each menstrual cycle, or due to a lack of regular menses, in pregnancies and menopause. Eating disorders, excessive exercise, drugs and environmental toxins can also impact hormone levels.

Keys To Successful Treatment

Treatment of thinning scalp hair must be grounded in changing the habits you may have that support elevated androgens. Diet and exercise are key to maintaining optimal hormone balance. In fact, for women with PCOS, research is clear- there is no drug therapy more effective than proper diet and regular exercise. First, you get your foundational health habits in order; then, specific targeted therapies have the best chance of being effective for you.

Women with PCOS may also have excess coarse dark hair on their face and body. The only way to address the dark, coarse hair that grows out of follicles that have already been altered by excess androgens, is to destroy the follicle with laser or similar therapy. Once a follicle has changed the type of hair it produces, it will not change back. It is crucial to tame the excess androgens and prevent conversion of additional follicles, before investing in a therapy to permanently destroy facial or body hair follicles.

What Causes Women to Lose Too Much Scalp Hair?

For a long time doctors believed that androgenic alopecia was the main cause of balding in both men and women. Now we know that the process that leads to excessive hair loss in women is different. It is called female pattern hair loss.

An important difference between male and female balding is the pattern in which the hair loss occurs. Female pattern hair loss tends to happen as an overall thinning across all areas of the scalp, including the sides and back. Men lose hair from specific spots, like the temple, the crown, that bald spot in the back of the head. Male and female hormone and enzyme receptor sites are also in different areas of the scalp, causing the different gender related loss patterns of hair loss.

A second major difference is that balding in men is usually caused by a man's genetics and his age, but for women, balding can happen at any age.

Lifestyle Choices, Illness and Medical Treatments Cause Hair Loss

Most women with hair loss have multiple features of their lifestyle, diet and health-related events that contribute. Sex hormone fluctuations are responsible for most female hair loss, including those who have PCOS, a recent pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy or birth control drug side effects. Chemotherapy for cancer, anti-coagulant drugs, iron- deficiency anemia, autoimmune disease can cause hair loss. Any disease involving hormone producing glands, including the thyroid, the adrenal and pituitary glands can trigger balding in women. It is essential for all women to learn the true cause of their hair loss before engaging any particular treatment.

The complex hormonal changes that accompany polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often result in scalp hair loss. Sometimes hair loss is the first sign that a woman is suffering the metabolic disorder that also causes problems with acne, facial and body hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles and infertility. PCOS is associated with increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Thyroid disorders, anemia, chronic illness or the use of certain medications, particularly any form of hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive prescriptions- should be considered a possible cause of hair loss in women. Autoimmune disorders will result in somewhat different, often less dramatic hair loss known as alopecia areata -- an inflammatory condition in which hair comes out in clumps or patches.

Any drop in estrogen levels, as happens after pregnancy, with menopause, or when changing your hormone therapy including birth control pill use, will cause what is called estrogenic alopecia. In contrast to testosterone, estrogen helps scalp hair grow faster and stay on the head longer, resulting in thicker hair. This is the reason women's hair gets fuller during pregnancy when estrogen levels are quite high, then sheds several weeks after the baby is born.

For women who do not have fertility-related hormone changes, estrogen-deficiency scalp hair loss generally starts around menopause. This form of female hair loss can be the first sign of approaching menopause. Sometimes the alopecia won't begin until a few months or even years after menstruation has ended. Not all women get noticeable alopecia after menopause but most have a little thinning.

It's not uncommon to have multiple factors involved in female hair loss. Many women with PCOS have thyroid problems, usually hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Not only does hypothyroidism contribute to weight problems, it can also contribute to hair thinning. Some women with PCOS have both an excessively high level of testosterone and an under active thyroid.

If your hair is thinning, you may have heavy metals like lead, mercury or cadmium in your tissues. These poisonous residues saturate our environment. If you have lived near what is, or ever was an industrial or mining site, or lived with someone who works in a polluting industry, you may be contaminated. If you have ever smoked tobacco, you have a lot of cadmium in your body.

The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Some women may have a combination of two pattern types. Androgenic alopecia is caused by a variety of factors tied to the actions of hormones including PCOS, using contraceptives, pregnancy, and menopause. Any blood sugar and insulin hormone imbalance will lead to excess androgens. Women with insulin resistance, from chronic over-eating of refined carbohydrate food, will see more impact from androgens. Insulin resistance is associated with PCOS as well as Type 2 diabetes. Chronic stress that depletes adrenal glands can change the levels of androgens a woman produces as well. This is often the source of problems like infertility, acne and hair thinning in lean, athletic women with PCOS. Heredity may play a role in androgenic alopecia.

Any big event like childbirth or breastfeeding, malnutrition from an alteration in your diet, a severe infection, major surgery, or any extreme stress, can suddenly shift much of the 90 percent or so of your hairs that are in the growing phase or resting phase into the shedding phase. You will see this shift in the rate of hair loss 6 weeks to three month after the stressful event. This is called telogen effluvium. It is possible to lose great bunches of hair daily with full-blown telogen effluvium. Usually this type of hair loss is reversible, if major stressors are avoided. For some women however, telogen effluvium is a mysterious chronic disorder and can persist for months or years, without ever completely identifying all of the triggering factors.

Anagen effluvium happens when the hair follicle cells are so damaged they can not recover or reproduce. This is usually due to toxicity of chemotherapy for cancer. Chemotherapy is meant to destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells. Hair follicles in the growing (anagen) phase, are therefore vulnerable. Anagen effluvium means the hair shaft narrows as a result of damage to the follicle. The shaft breaks off at the narrowing and causes the loss of hair.

Traction alopecia is damage from hairstyles that pull at hair over time (braiding, cornrows, ponytails, extensions). If the condition is detected early enough, you can change your styling practice to be gentler on the follicles, and your hair will regrow.

Hormone contraceptives are a leading cause of distressing hair loss and other symptoms in women. Since the birth control pill first began being used in 1960, oral contraceptives, injections, implants, skin patches and vaginal rings have become the most commonly prescribed forms of birth control.  

Unfortunately, many young women are given contraceptive hormones even when they are not sexually active, as a 'treatment' for irregular menses or acne. This is a mistake. This is not a treatment that addresses the underlying cause of problem periods or pimples. Contraceptive hormones will severely complicate a woman's hormone balance and can lead to many health problems, including significant hair loss and worsening acne.

All contraceptive drugs use synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation. These drugs cause your ovaries to stop working; they are in a kind of 'sleep' state. Instead of having your natural cycles result from a dance of signals between your body and your brain, your tissues are subject to synthetic hormones in amounts much larger than your body normally makes.  There are many long and short -term consequences to ovarian suppression. Most women experience side effects using contraceptive drugs, including hair loss either during or several weeks or months after stopping the drug.

An article appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) linking the Hepatitis B vaccine to increased incidence of balding in women.

Diagnostic Testing

In order to successfully treat hair loss, it is essential to understand why your hair follicles are not healthy. There are diagnostic tests that may help identify the underlying biochemistry that is contributing to your excess hair loss. However, many women with significant chemical imbalances related to their hair loss will find that these test results are within the "normal" range. That's because in many cases hair loss represents a stage of ill-health that is an early phase of a disease that will eventually fully develop. The lifestyle and dietary habits that eventually cause Type 2 diabetes and heart disease will also cause scalp hair thinning and facial hair coarsening in young women. It is usually many years before these same women have diagnostic tests that reveal they are diabetic or have coronary artery disease. Many of these women have undiagnosed PCOS.

Selective Sensitivity is the underlying problem

Another reason why diagnostic tests may be confusing is because of something called 'selective sensitivity' or 'selective resistance'. It turns out that some body cells are more sensitive than others to the same amounts of hormone. A major complicating factor for some women is that while her muscle and fat may be insulin resistant, other types of organ cells are not.  The pituitary, ovaries, and adrenal glands of an insulin resistant woman are stimulated by higher levels of insulin than is desirable, which causes for instance elevated testosterone. The high levels of androgens in turn increase risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Despite these possible difficulties, it is important to do our best to determine what is and isn't the cause of a major symptom like persistent excessive hair loss. Diagnostic tests that can help identify the source of your metabolic imbalance are:

The hair pull test is a simple diagnostic test in which the physician lightly pulls a small amount of hair (approx. 100 simultaneously) in order to determine if there is excessive loss. Normal range is zero to three hairs per pull.

Hormone levels: Dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, follicular stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. It is ideal to sample for FSH and LH on day 19 to 21 of your menstrual cycle, if those days can be identified.

Fasting blood glucose and insulin levels as well as cholesterol and triglyceride levels

A complete blood count plus serum iron, ferritin and total iron binding capacity

Thyroid stimulating hormone plus a thyroid function panel including T3, T4, and T3 % uptake

VDRL to screen for syphilis

A scalp biopsy should be done before choosing surgical transplant

Densitometry, a magnification device, used check for shrinking of the hair shaft.

Conventional Medical Treatments For Hair Loss

You may be very interested in drug therapies of surgery to address the profound distress of excessive hair loss. It is simply human nature to hope for a simple pill or procedure that will permanently free us from our problems. Unfortunately drugs never actually provide a simple solution. Once you swallow a chemical, it is delivered all over your body; it affects your whole body. We cannot control drugs so they have only the effects we want- there are always side effects that are more or less problematic. Using drug therapy means trading one problem for some others. Sometimes this is exactly the right thing to do. Other times it is a personal disaster. Most drugs will act on all your tissues there is a danger of side effects that further damage your health. Topical treatments applied directly to the scalp use the lowest doses, and are the least harmful drug choices.

You will enjoy the best results when you begin any treatment as soon as possible after hair loss begins. Stopping the adverse effects of androgens means you can prevent further hair loss. And you can support regrowth from the follicles that were dormant still healthy. Depending on how the agent you choose works, stopping treatment will result in the hair loss resuming, unless you have also made other changes in your lifestyle that keep androgens at a level that is healthy and not harmful to you.

Below you will find a list of treatments currently being used to treat hair loss in women. Some of these drugs have not been approved by the FDA for this particular application, however they have all been approved for other applications and are used "off label" to treat hair loss. Currently 2% topical Minoxidil is the only FDA approved treatment specifically for female pattern hair loss.

The effectiveness of these agents and methods will vary from woman to woman, but many women have found that using these treatments has made a positive difference in the character of their hair and their positive self-esteem. As always, treatments have the best chance of being effective if they are geared to the cause of the hair loss as well as to triggering hair growth.

Estrogen and progesterone as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), typically prescribed for women undergoing menopause for any reason, is probably the most common systemic form of treatment for androgenic alopecia in women.

Oral contraceptives will decrease the production of ovarian androgens, and thus can be used to treat women's androgenic alopecia. There are substantial reasons to avoid the use of either synthetic or bio-identical hormone treatments for your hair loss. Some birth control pills actually contribute to hair loss by triggering it or increasing it once it's been triggered by something else. Any individual woman may have a selective sensitivity to any hormone combination- what is a low androgen effect formula for one woman may be a high androgen effect for another.

I am no longer able to recommend the use of birth control pills or other hormone-based contraception to young women. Decades of evidence suggest there are plenty of known, and possibly as yet unknown health risks associated with the use of ANY from of reproductive hormones, either prescription or over-the-counter forms. It is clear that the benefits of hormonal contraceptives are accompanied by significant risks, including making it much more likely that a woman will experience hormone imbalances that lead to a long list of negative effects. Hormone replacement puts you are risk for:

Depression or other mood disorders; decreased libido

Migraines and headaches

Breast lumps, tenderness and enlargement

Vaginal bleeding between periods

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High cholesterol

Blood clot in the leg, felt as: pain in the calf; leg cramps; leg or foot swelling

Blood clot in the lung, felt as: shortness of breath; sharp chest pain; coughing up blood

Heart attack, felt as: chest pain or heaviness

Sudden loss of vision or vision changes, which can be a sign of a blood clot in the eye

Cerebral vascular accident (a stroke): impaired vision or speech; weakness or numbness in a limb; severe headache

Liver damage, seen as: yellow eyes or skin; dark urine; abdominal pain

Allergic reaction: rash; hives; itching; swelling; difficulty breathing or swallowing


Bloating, nausea and vomiting

Changes in your eyes that make it more difficult to wear contact lenses

If you chose a hormone prescription for any reason, you should be sure to use only low-androgen content methods. If you have a strong predisposition for genetic hair loss, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease or any female organ cancer in your family I strongly recommend the use of another non-hormonal form of birth control.

Below is a list of birth control pills ranging from lowest androgen index to highest:

Desogen, Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Micronor, Nor-Q D, Ovcon-35, Brevicon/Modicon, Ortho Norvum 7/7/7, Ortho Novum 10-11, Tri-Norinyl, Norinyl and Ortho 1/35, Demulen 1/35, Triphasil/Tri-Levien, Nordette, Lo/Ovral, Ovrette, Ovral, Loestrin1/20, Loestrin 1.5/30.

The following hormonal contraceptives have a significant potential of causing hair loss or making it worse:

Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are small rods surgically implanted under your skin. The rods release a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovarian function.

Progestin injections, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttocks.

The skin patch (Ortho Evra) is pasted onto your shoulder, buttocks, or other location. It releases progestin and estrogen continuously to prevent your ovaries from producing normal cycles.

The vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina. This method releases the  lowest amounts of progestin and estrogen.

Minoxidil 2% Topical Treatment - Minoxidil seems to be more effective for women than men, for increasing scalp hair growth. The manufacturers of minoxidil recommend women use 2% minoxidil. There is a 5% solution available that has been tested and found safe enough for men. Because the makers of minoxidil have not invested in the expense of gaining FDA approval for promoting 5% minoxidil for use by women, it must be prescribed and used under a physician's supervision. Small clinical trials on 5% minoxidil for women show that the 5% solution is in fact more effective in both retaining and regrowing hair than the 2 % solution.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a potassium-sparing diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and swelling. Spironolactone slows the production of androgens in the adrenal glands and ovaries. It prevents DHT from binding to receptor sites in the hair follicles.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is a histamine blocker, approved to treat digestive tract ulcers. It prevents the stomach from producing digestive enzymes. Cimetidine also has been shown to block DHT from binding to hair follicle receptor sites.

Cyproterone acetate is used to reduce sexual aggression in men. Cyproterone acetate blocks DHT at hair follicle receptors. It has significant toxicity and long term side effects and is not available in the US.

Ketoconazole is a prescription topical treatment. It is primarily used as an antimicrobial for treating skin fungus. It suppresses production of androgens by adrenal glands, testicles and ovaries. Nizoral shampoo contains 2% ketoconazole. There is an over-the-counter version available. It has 1% active ingredient and is not as effective as prescription strength.

Finasteride is a drug that inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that deactivates DHT. It is sold as Proscar to treat prostate enlargement in men. Sold as Propecia it is approved by the FDA for male balding. Women should not take it if they are pregnant or might become pregnant because of the risk of feminization effects on a male fetus.        

Surgical Implants

Since hair restoration surgery is an option for the vast majority of the balding men, women may want to consider it. However, the type of hair loss most women suffer from makes hair transplants a bad idea.

Few women have the type of hair loss that make them good candidates for a surgical solution. Most men lose hair in well-defined areas, for instance the receding forehead or the classic round spot on the top of the skull. Little clumps or plugs of hair are removed from areas where healthy follicles are stable and plentiful, and these are transplanted to other areas of the head. Women more often experience an overall thinning across their whole scalp, including the sides and back. Most women have few reliably stable donor sites. Offering to transplant hair from unstable donor sites is medically unethical and women must not allow their distress about balding to get in the way of a cool- eyed look at the rationale behind treatment options offered.

Are any women good candidates for hair transplant? Yes, some.  A small percentage, 2% to 5% of women will have the type of hair loss that will benefit from this type of procedure. They are:

Women who have suffered hair loss due to non-hormonal causes, like traction alopecia.

Women who have scalp scars from some kind of wound or cosmetic surgery and want to repair hair loss around the incision or injury sites.

Women who have healthy and stable donor sites along with balding in a distinct pattern, like a receding hairline or thinning on the very top of the head.

Natural Remedies for Women's Hair Loss

Safe, effective natural therapies are available to help you restore scalp health and increase hair growth. Like all natural therapies, in order to be maximally effective, it is essential to work with you as an individual. Some remedies will be more useful to you than others, depending on your unique, personal physical, mental and emotional health status. It is always important to spend your health care dollars well. I offer a consultation service to help you choose and make best use of the available options for treatment. Please visit your local ND to find out how to benefit from a personal consultation. You will receive recommendations for specific natural therapies, designed for your unique health status, to help you restore your health, and your scalp hair to it's fullest and most enjoyable beauty.

PCOS and Hair Loss - Natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair
Bee Pollen Complex

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! 201

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Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Deals
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100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! <<

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Feature

  • BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food.
  • This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more.
  • It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12
  • BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.
  • contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Overview

The fruits of the hive, which are all included in Bee Natural (pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and honey) are claimed by modern medical sources to contribute to better health in a variety of ways. BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners-including the fathers of Western medicine Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras-for its healing properties. It is a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance. This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more. It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12. Bee pollen also contains the bioflavonoid rutin. ROYAL JELLY: a famed substance produced by worker bees that when fed to a female in the larval stage will transform her into a queen. The queen lives up to five years while other bees are only around for a few weeks. It contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese. BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.

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This Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! is cheap and shipping as well.

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Easy Ways to Prevent Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are enclosed sac filled with fluids usually characterized by these abnormal growths. Ovarian cysts formation usually results in the childbearing age. At the time of puberty, two ovaries present in a female start to become active due to the monthly hormone cycle which take place within the body. During this time, eggs are formed in the sac called as follicles from which they are released after ripening. In most of the cases, maturation of follicles does not take place and instead they are reabsorbed into the body. In other cases, the follicles remain to form what is known as cysts.

Bee Pollen Complex

Due to the abnormal growth of the cell what results up is referred to as the abnormal cysts. The reason for the abnormal cysts remains hidden. The four different types of ovarian cyst are ruptured ovarian cyst, complex ovarian cyst, dermoid ovarian cyst, and hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.

Bee Pollen Complex

There are many of them who continue with exercise and diet to prevent ovarian cysts from forming up in their body. Do you think this really works? But, the sad fact is that there is no way one can prevent ovarian cysts production. The best thing that can be done to stop the occurrence of cysts formation is to undergo a pelvic examination every year.

If you have frequent ovarian cysts doctors are likely to prescribe birth control pills or another form of contraceptive to prevent ovarian cysts from forming. Certain natural methods are to be implemented to prevent ovarian cysts formation as well as to relieve the pain along the safer lines.

The pain in pelvis can be reduced by the application of heat which can be either carried out by the use of heating pad, hot water bottle or even a hot water bath can do wonders! Using herbal teas is the yet another distinguished remedy to prevent ovarian cysts symptoms. Chamomile, mint and raspberry teas can magically relieve your pain and help you relax to a greater extent. Teas are to be taken just before or after going to bed to get the maximum benefit from it. Depending on drinks containing caffeine can result in the growth of the cysts finally ending up with its rupture.

Extra hydration is very essential to prevent ovarian cyst formation. Make sure that you drink more than eight glasses of water every day and urination is very essential to avoid further problems resulting from it. The supplements like multivitamins, minerals, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B, and antioxidants will improve with the dietary changes, working to balance hormones, improve immunity, protect against abnormal cell growth and enhance liver function,. Thus, it finally helps to prevent ovarian cysts. Herbs like Echinacea and Milk thistle can also helps to prevent ovarian cysts.

Easy Ways to Prevent Ovarian Cysts
Bee Pollen Complex

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The Side Effects Of Vitamin B12

This article discusses vitamin B12 and most of the reported side effects of taking B12. It also outlines some of the medical conditions that taking B12 may exacerbate.

Bee Pollen Complex


Bee Pollen Complex

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluable vitamin needed for normal cell activity. It is a part of a group of cobalt containing B complex vitamins, which are also known as cobalamins. Like other B vitamins, vitamin B12is important for metabolism. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells and in maintaining the central nervous system. It is found in most foods which come from animal products including liver, fish, shell fish, meat and dairy products.

Side Effects

The good news is that vitamin B 12 is usually non-toxic, even when taken in large doses. However, people have experienced some adverse effects, even though these side effects are quite rare. Generally, when vitamin B12 supplements are taken orally then there is little chance of side effects occurring. Some people choose to take vitamin B12 administered with an injection. This type of ingestion as been associated with the following side effects:

o mild diarrhoea

o anxiety and panic attacks

o heart palpitations

o insomnia

o breathing problems

o chest pain

o skin rash, hives or itchy swollen skin

Some health professionals believe that patients develop these reactions not because of the B12, but because of the preservatives that are part of the injection formula. Currently, most injections contain preservatives. To be on the safe side, it is probably better to take B12 orally.

Medical Conditions

Other side effects may be experienced by people who have an allergy or a sensitive to cobalamin and cobalt. If this is the case, then it is advisable to avoid vitamin B12 supplementation altogether and instead seek to eat the foods that contain naturally occurring B12. In addition B12 should be avoided by people suffering from Leber's disease, a hereditary disease in which the optic nerve wastes away. Ingesting vitamin B12 can actually speed up the atrophy of the optic nerve resulting in rapid loss of central vision.

There is also evidence to suggest that patients who have undergone heart surgery and received coronary stents may have an increased risk of the artery narrowing again when they take vitamin B12. A small risk, but one to bear in mind.

On a positive note, pregnant and breastfeeding women can take vitamin B12 quite confidently when it is taken orally in amounts not exceeding the recommended daily allowance (2.6 mcg/day if pregnant and 2.8 mcg/day if breastfeeding)

As can be seen, vitamin B12 is a relatively safe vitamin with very few adverse side effects even when taken in large doses. More problems than not arise from B12 deficiency than they do from ingestion of the vitamin itself.

The Side Effects Of Vitamin B12
Bee Pollen Complex

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! 201

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Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Deals
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100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! <<

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Feature

  • BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food.
  • This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more.
  • It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12
  • BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.
  • contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Overview

The fruits of the hive, which are all included in Bee Natural (pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and honey) are claimed by modern medical sources to contribute to better health in a variety of ways. BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners-including the fathers of Western medicine Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras-for its healing properties. It is a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance. This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more. It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12. Bee pollen also contains the bioflavonoid rutin. ROYAL JELLY: a famed substance produced by worker bees that when fed to a female in the larval stage will transform her into a queen. The queen lives up to five years while other bees are only around for a few weeks. It contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese. BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.

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This Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

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How To Treat Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

There are many people who are consuming vitamin B12 supplements do not know that vitamin B12 and folate are B complex vitamins that are necessary for normal red blood cell. Vitamin B12 is rarely found in vegetables, which is why vegetarians and especially vegans who don't eat dairy products or meat, are especially at risk. This vitamin b12 along with folic acid are necessary to keep homocysteine in the blood down to healthy levels. Therefore any deficiency will lead to some health complications.

Bee Pollen Complex

What are the deficiency symptoms?

Bee Pollen Complex

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are manifest not because people are taking less vitamin B12 than recommended. Deficiency of vitamin B12 affects every cell in the body, but is most severely felt in the tissues where the cells normally divide rapidly, as in the blood-forming -tissues of the bone marrow and in the gastro-intestinal tract. The deficiency can also lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. It also include mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, night terror etc. It can also include fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation, flatulence (gas), loss of appetite and weight. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, like those of many other treatable health conditions, can be virtually identical to age dementia symptoms, senile dementia symptoms and Alzheimers symptoms.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency include insufficient equilibrium, forgetfulness, and cognitive decline and, according to a study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), may be linked to osteoporosis. Symptoms of severe vitamin B12 deficiency (regardless of the cause) may include burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, intermittent constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, menstrual symptoms, psychological symptoms, and nervous system problems, such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, including sensory neuropathy, myelopathy, and encephalopathy, can occur within days or weeks of exposure to nitrous oxide anesthesia in people with sub-clinical vitamin B12 deficiency.

Anemia is the first sign that the body is not getting an adequate supply of Vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is the name given more than a century ago to describe the then-fatal vitamin B12 deficiency anemia that results from severe gastric atrophy, a condition that prevents gastric cells from secreting intrinsic factor.

How to treat vitamin B12 deficiency?

Folic acid can correct the anemia that is caused by a B-12 deficit. Folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and vitamin B12 supplementation can reduce total homocysteine levels, however, this reduction does not seem to help with secondary prevention of death or cardiovascular events such as stroke or myocardial infarction in people with prior stroke. Folic acid intake from food and supplements should not exceed 1,000 μg daily in healthy individuals because large amounts of folic acid can trigger the damaging effects of vitamin B12 deficiency. Pernicious anemia usually develops over the age of 50. It is usually caused by an inability to absorb vitamin B12 (cobalamin) that is naturally found in certain foods.

Can Diet Help The Deficiency?

Dietary changes that may be helpful, vitamin B12 is found in significant amounts only in animal protein foods - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Foods high in vitamin b12 can only be obtained from animal sources, so vegetarians and vegans should ensure B12 is included in their daily vitamin supplements.


Deficiency of vitamin B12 is rarely a result of the vitamin's. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can affect both men and women in equal numbers. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in fatigue and apathy, back pain, weight loss, bone loss, problems with balance andreflexes, abnormal gait, tingling fingers, tinnitus, eye disorders, hallucinations and migraine headaches.

Therefore, Eddy Kong has started a useful vitamin supplement information guide that help you to choose the vitamin you are looking for or simply providing the right information to vitamin supplements.

How To Treat Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms
Bee Pollen Complex

Christmas Sales Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets 201

Dec 18, 2011 16:31:06

Christmas Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets Deals
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Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets

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Christmas Sales Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets Feature

  • Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, Royal Jelly Combination

Christmas Sales Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets Overview

Now you can get three of natures most wonderful gifts combined into one easy to take tablet.

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Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets

Limited Offer Today!! Super Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablets Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! 201

Dec 17, 2011 12:16:07

Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Deals
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100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! <<

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Feature

  • BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food.
  • This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more.
  • It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12
  • BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.
  • contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Christmas Sales 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! Overview

The fruits of the hive, which are all included in Bee Natural (pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and honey) are claimed by modern medical sources to contribute to better health in a variety of ways. BEE POLLEN: often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners-including the fathers of Western medicine Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras-for its healing properties. It is a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance. This substance contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, thousands of enzymes and coenzymes, and more. It is also one of the few vegetable sources rich in vitamin B12. Bee pollen also contains the bioflavonoid rutin. ROYAL JELLY: a famed substance produced by worker bees that when fed to a female in the larval stage will transform her into a queen. The queen lives up to five years while other bees are only around for a few weeks. It contains B5 and other B vitamins, plus amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese. BEE PROPOLIS: acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic.

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This Christmas 100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins! ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

100% ORGANIC Bee Natural Tabs - All Natural Bee Pollen ~ Heat-Free Process ~ Propolis ~ Royal Jelly ~ Raw Honey Dietary Supplement SuperFood - 120 Tablets - Contains Every Known Ingredient to Sustain LIFE! Combats Allergies, Asthma & Stimulates the Immue System! Natural B Vitamins!

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Large Complex Ovarian Cyst - Understanding Ovarian Cystadenomas

Learn More About Ovarian Cysts

Bee Pollen Complex

Ovarian cysts are quite common in women of childbearing age. Small cysts often come and go without any difficulties and fortunately most ovarian cysts pose no threat of cancer. Even if you have been diagnosed with a large complex ovarian cyst, chances are it is benign. It is a cyst, however, that should be evaluated further by your doctor.

Bee Pollen Complex

There are two types of cysts, functional and complex. Functional cysts develop during the course of a woman's monthly cycle and are fluid filled sacs that usually go away on their own without treatment. The complex cyst is a bit different. They are filled with both solids and liquids and usually require some type of treatment or surgical procedure. A large complex ovarian cyst is almost always of the cystadenoma type.

What Are Cystadenomas?

Cystadenomas are large complex ovarian cysts that are classified as neoplasms. Unlike a functional cyst that develops during the course of the normal ovary functioning, the cystadenomas are actually new growth and abnormal formations of ovarian tissue. They are the largest of all ovarian cysts and often cause problems because of their size alone.

There are two different types of cystadenomas. A serous cystadenoma can grow to be two to six inches in diameter and is filled with a watery liquid. This type of large complex cyst does not cause any significant symptoms unless it grows large enough to cause weight gain and an enlarged abdomen. They are usually benign but do have the potential to become malignant so they are generally removed.

A second type of cystadenoma is the mucinous cystadenoma. They can become extremely large but usually range between six and twelve inches in diameter. The fluid that fills this type of cyst is thicker than that of a serous cystadenoma. They are generally benign but because of their size can cause extreme problems.

An extremely large complex ovarian cyst can become so heavy that it twists in on itself causing extreme pain. They can also take up so much space in the abdomen that they interrupt the normal functioning of other organs such as the intestines, stomach and bowel. If they rupture or bleed they can be even more hazardous. Therefore surgical removal is almost always required.

Holistic Remedies Are Very Beneficial Along With The Help Of Your Medical Professional

If the cyst is small enough, it can be removed by laparoscopy, a less invasive surgical procedure. If not, removal may include removing part or all of the ovary and occasionally a complete hysterectomy. In all cases a holistic approach to the treatment of a large complex ovarian cyst can be extremely beneficial. Keeping hormone levels balanced will help promote proper functioning of the ovaries and help the healing process.

Strengthening your body's immune system through proper nutrition, vitamins and herbs will help ward off infection or complications following surgery. A holistic approach to the treatment of a large complex ovarian cyst often includes diet changes as well. Doing whatever you can to strength your body as it deals with the stress of surgery can only help.

Large Complex Ovarian Cyst - Understanding Ovarian Cystadenomas
Bee Pollen Complex

Christmas Sales Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) 201

Dec 16, 2011 03:45:23

Christmas Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) Deals
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Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural)

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Christmas Sales Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) Feature

  • Good N Natural - Natural Bee Pollen Complex - 100 Tablet

Christmas Sales Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) Overview

Discover the best that Mother Nature has to offer with Bee Pollen Complex. Bee Pollen Complex contains all of the goodness of Bee Pollen Plus the beneficial properties of Bee Propolis and Royal Jelly. Bee Pollen has been the subject of numerous studies while Bee Propolis is a by-product of Royal Jelly, the highly complex substance fed exclusively to queen bees. As dietary supplement, Bee Pollen Complex is a rich source of many nutrients.

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This Christmas Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural)

Limited Offer Today!! Bee Pollen Complex - 100 tabs,(Good'n Natural) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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